workshop » Empower Your Words, Engage Your Audience 

Presenting with Impact

Effective communication and presentation skills are critical for leadership success. Presentation and public speaking skills increase an individual’s presence and influence. 

Improve your team’s presentation skills

Upon completion of the workshop, participants feel a deeper belief in their own voice and skills. This builds a more confident team member that is proactive in choosing a more substantial role in speaking, whether on the stage or during meetings.

We rely on team members to lead and participate in meetings, present ideas to clients, and represent our companies in professional organizations. When they feel more confident, they are more likely to speak up in meetings, volunteer to meet with a client or prospect, and become an ambassador for your brand. The Presenting with Impact program helps to build confidence across the board, so you hear a wider variety of voices.

Typically a half-day program, Presenting with Impact begins with an introduction to Ignite CSP’s methodology. A straightforward three-part process, the coaches guide the group through exercises designed to help them develop their skills right away. 

Participants learn to think about the “why” of their presentation, they see how their body is supporting or undermining their message, and they explore the best practices of how to practice. 

In the second part of the program, we break into smaller coaching groups for a “master class” in presenting. Each participant presents a short amount of prepared material, and the Ignite coach works with them. The nature of a master class is that the whole group is involved at all times, learning from the coaching that others are receiving as well as their own feedback.

Afterwards, participants can receive ongoing, anytime training with our state-of-the-art AI coach, ACT.

The Presenting with Impact and Purposeful Storytelling programs are often combined for a well-rounded approach to content and delivery.

“I gained a ton from this training! Breathing techniques, resources, eye contact, shrinking the task at hand, asking questions to center myself…so much! My coach was fantastic in parsing out and defining my struggles with public speaking and presenting.” — Marilee, director

As a result of this workshop, your leaders will:

Improve Public Speaking Skills

Good speakers are considering their audience’s experience. They connect with the listener and make them feel seen and heard. They aren’t derailed or overshadowed by their technology; they use slide decks and teleprompters with ease.They are effective at getting the message across; they influence the audience. They are also more efficient – good speakers are concise, they end on time, and they deliver the needed impact. 

Amplify Executive Presence

Gravitas, charisma, magnetism, “leadership qualities,” – all ways of trying to pinpoint the elusive nature of executive presence. But when a leader has it, we know it. We want to hear their opinions, we’re interested in their take, we respect them. Turning up the dial on executive presence positions you for success.

Manage Stage Fright and Anxiety

When we know we have the tools to mitigate stage fright or anxiety, we are more likely to raise our hands for speaking opportunities. We trust ourselves to show up well, so we can take us anywhere!

I’ve been a part of previously arranged speaking courses. This one admittedly felt the most engaging and offered the most direct feedback on speaking, as the emphasis was on presentation and delivery rather than the content. In addition, the personality assessment at the onset as unique, as it offered a view into each individual’s skill set. — Brett

Unlock the true potential of your communication skills

Whether for yourself or your entire team, let’s find the perfect solution for your unique needs.

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