workshop » Intentional Communication and Active Listening

Conversational Agility

Participants learn to listen, speak, and use nonverbal language in a new, more intentional and more effective way.  They test drive these techniques in real time using real work scenarios, and they leave ready to apply their new skills.

Improve interpersonal communication skills in one day

Alumni have a new set of skills that improve interpersonal communication, help them navigate difficult or stressful conversations, boost their creative thinking and problem-solving, and remove communication roadblocks.

In your organization, what happens when:

  • a project manager has to give bad news to a client?
  • a service rep has to manage an angry customer on the phone?
  • a manager needs to give a tough performance report to a team member?
  • a client asks a question that could lead to more work…to someone who doesn’t have the answer?
  • no one wants to handle a valuable but challenging client’s calls?
  • a team isn’t effective because of repeated misunderstandings and lack of communication?

These common communication roadblocks don’t have to happen.

The Conversational Agility program teaches your team specific skills to create effective and efficient communication — even when things get tough.

In this program, available as a four-hour or full day workshop, we guide participants to work together in improvisational exercises throughout the day, which enhances on-the-spot decision-making, active listening and creativity.

No slides, no workbooks, no instructional videos. This interactive experience keeps participants present and fosters clearer and more effective communication among team members through its use of trust-building and collaborative exercises. 

Co-facilitated by a team of Ignite CSP coaches, we begin the day by leading the group in a series of structured exercises based on improvisational techniques. 

The second part of the workshop is comprised of real-world role-play scenarios. The group brainstorms these scenes so that they are relevant and meaningful, and each participant gets to practice their new skills, support their peers, and get feedback. 

After the workshop portion, participants have access to ongoing reinforcement of their skills through our AI coach, ACT. 

This program is often combined with the Saboteurs and Superpowers program to round out the group’s interpersonal communication training.

“The most interesting part of this workshop was relating the exercises to real work situations, and practicing accepting and steering conversations.” — Sandeep, senior manager

As a result of this workshop, your leaders will

Handle Unexpected Challenges with Ease

Our coaches create a reassuring atmosphere for all participants to flourish and can adjust to the group as needed. We teach techniques to handle unexpected challenges with positivity and confidence; create immediate improvement in active listening skills, enhance awareness of how to support colleagues in meetings and client interactions, and develop our participants’ ability to navigate difficult conversations without defensiveness to reach a productive outcome.

See Results in a Day

Armed with the necessary techniques, tools, and practice, participants make changes in a very short period. Participants leave this program ready to apply its techniques right away. 

Develop Agility in their Communication

Our 1:8 coach to participant ratio ensures individualized attention to each person. In addition, the role-play scenarios allow the rest of the group to practice giving feedback on the new skills. Participants learn the techniques of active listening, “Yes And,” and the power of nonverbal communication, and they practice what to do when things aren’t going as planned.

I wish we could offer this to project teams as part of project launches and onboarding. — Rob, SVP

I did not expect the level of vulnerability that would be so freely accessed. The role play and creativity within our exercises was delightful and memorable. My face hurt from laughing so hard and that’s a good thing! — Erika, Manager

I really love the expertise you have with the theater background. It was really powerful and so applicable to work in organizations. Y’all nailed the need and we can feel your true intention. You are true, talented communicators, and it was a real joy to be in your mastery level coaching level. Keep on, keeping on! — Jen, manager

Unlock the true potential of your communication skills

Whether for yourself or your entire team, let’s find the perfect solution for your unique needs.

Fill out this form, and we’ll get in touch to answer your questions and set up a complimentary 30-minute consultation. Ready to take the leap? Skip the form and schedule your call now!