If you wanted to increase your physical fitness, would you run two marathons per year and do nothing else in between? When we want to improve our communication skills but only think about them when we have to give a big speech or presentation, it’s the equivalent of lacing up our brand-new running shoes right … Read more

A great speaker acts like they deserve to be there.* In some ways, this encapsulates everything we need to know about the nebulous terms “executive presence,” “confidence,” and “charisma.” When you know you’re going to say something worth hearing, a point of view worth sharing, that knowledge affects everything about how you show up. A … Read more

When we were in math class, we were asked to “show our work.” How did you arrive at this answer? What’s the thinking that led you to this conclusion? If a student shows their work, the teacher can see their process and help them get back on track if that’s necessary. As leaders, we’re often … Read more

A client of mine, a recently appointed CEO, hasn’t totally moved into his office. He’s very busy, of course, and office decor isn’t at the top of his list of priorities, understandably.  I can tell that he hasn’t totally moved into his office because the part of it that I can see during our video … Read more

Years ago I was hired to direct a play at a theatre that made its money and reputation on very mainstream plays and musicals. They were branching out into some lesser-known works that were more of a risk with their core audience, and the company brought me in for one of these plays. Our rehearsal … Read more

I got to have a fascinating conversation recently with a client about how leaders lead in different organizations, what their impact and influence are.  As you might expect, one of the variables that can affect this is intention. Through this conversation, it became clear to me that it’s worth having a specific conversation about a … Read more

For ten years, Ignite CSP has been coaching top-level executives at a big company who are preparing for high-stakes interviews in the process of trying to get an important promotion. We are really familiar with the interview and promotion process at this company, and we’ve worked with dozens of candidates over the years. They are … Read more

It’s one thing to prepare for a speech or a presentation. The environment is controlled, and there are only so many variables we have to consider. But what about when we’re in a meeting or a discussion, and something unexpected happens? Our idea is shot down, our expertise is questioned, or our leadership is challenged? … Read more

To have presence, be present. Be truly present with the experience, with the people, with however you’re feeling about it. Instead of trying to remember what you practiced, connect with the people in the audience.Instead of loading your slides with information, invite questions.Instead of rushing to prove your point, demonstrate curiosity. Presence is demanding. It’s … Read more

“What’s the trick here?,” you might think. “Extroverts are natural public speakers. No problem.” Well, yes and no. Extroversion refers to how people get their energy; in this case, from being with other people. Many extroverts love to talk and really get their batteries charged from that kind of interaction. But—surprise!—that doesn’t make them good … Read more