Coaching » high-profile keynote delivery

Elite Keynote Speaker Coaching

Delivering a compelling and inspiring keynote in front of hundreds–or thousands–of people requires skill, confidence, and excellent coaching.

A well-delivered, high-profile keynote elevates a leader’s influence, as well as that of their organization.

Engage your audience with professional coaching that amplifies your message, refines your delivery, and elevates your confidence.

Deliver the best keynote of your life

Ignite CSP matches every speaker to an experienced coach who will support them throughout the months-long journey from the page to the stage

Typically, we suggest working with our coaches 3-6 months ahead of your keynote delivery. On our initial call, we’ll discuss your goals, assess current skills, and review past presentations. From there, we’ll design a plan that addresses your specific needs for this keynote.

Angie. I could not finish this event without thanking you once more. You are amazing at your craft. How you helped me connect to myself and the research made all the difference. I learned so much from you and I hope we get to work together multiple times.. — Kristin, global conference keynote speaker

Together, with your coach, you will work on

Content Refinement

It’s your keynote and we want to keep it that way. Your Ignite coach will help to refine the keynote and make sure it fits your communication style. 

Delivery Techniques

We will coach you through an authentic and dynamic delivery that engages and retains your audience’s attention.

Rehearsals and Fine-tuning

We’ll have rehearsals with real-time feedback to take your keynote delivery to the next level, and give you  the confidence that you’ll absolutely nail it.

All the Bells and Whistles

Don’t sweat the tech! We will integrate effective use of slide decks, TelePrompTer, and other technology into your delivery.

Post-Speech Analysis

We’ll give you insights and practical tips for continuous improvement.

Plus, you’ll have an always available Practice Buddy

Our bespoke AI tool, ACT, will be a practice partner for you between sessions with your coach.

The opportunity to present a keynote address to senior level travel industry leaders was awarded to my company, and I was selected to provide that address. While I have experience speaking to small and large audiences, a high-profile keynote to my CEO’s peers was in a different league. I was referred to several speaking and presentation coaches by a former colleague and selected Angie from that elite group. Not only did I connect with her immediately, but she understood my needs quickly and was professional and courteous through our sessions. Angie created a methodical approach tailored to my needs and was crucial in creating a unique narrative with my individual personality in mind. The keynote turned out to be a huge success both with the audience and the leaders of my organization. Thank you, Angie, I will definitely be a return customer!

— Shelly Younger, keynote speaker, Director of Airline Retailing Strategy and Head of NDC

Ready to nail that big speech? Speak with us about elite keynote speaking coaching today. 

Unlock the true potential of your communication skills—whether for yourself or your entire team. Let’s find the perfect solution for your unique needs.

Fill out this form, and we’ll get in touch to answer your questions and set up a complimentary 30-minute consultation. Ready to take the leap? Skip the form and schedule your call now!

There seems to be an inherent insecurity around being able to accomplish good public speaking consistently. Even people who are skilled speakers worry about “losing the magic” or not being “in the zone.” I get it—I’ve definitely had experiences when it feels like a talk I’m giving reaches a place it hasn’t gone before, where … Read more
When we commit to memorizing all or part of our talk, we also have to make another commitment. It’s this: we must commit to rehearsing in a way that ensures that our intention isn’t “to say the words in the right order.” This came to mind for me recently when a client told me he … Read more
Speakers and presenters sometimes get feedback from an audience that they seemed “rehearsed.” If you said this to an orchestra or a corps of dancers, it would be a compliment—of course they rehearsed. It would be a very weird experience to watch musicians or dancers who were unrehearsed. But when people say it to speakers, … Read more
“The last thing in the world that I want when I’m onstage is to be boring.” A client said this to me recently during  a conversation we were having about the challenge she’s facing as she tries to shift the presentation culture of her nonprofit. “When we talk about this, they say all the right … Read more
I got to tour Emily Dickinson’s house recently. It’s a museum now, in Amherst, Massachusetts. Our tour guide had worked at the museum for seven years, and let me tell you, she LOVES what she does. I had the idea for this blog post about 20 minutes into the tour, when we were in the … Read more
I was watching a recording of a keynote speaker recently. and he was good. I felt engaged with his content, he was enjoyable to listen to, and I was getting something out of the experience. Then, in one moment, my assessment shifted. To underscore a point, he spread his hands wide in what was obviously … Read more
In theatre, sometimes we talk about not “playing the homework.” What this refers to is when an actor tries to bring all the work they did in rehearsal into a scene. “Wait,” you may think, “isn’t that what all that work is for?” Yes and no. We spend days of rehearsal talking about the play, … Read more
A great speaker acts like they deserve to be there.* In some ways, this encapsulates everything we need to know about the nebulous terms “executive presence,” “confidence,” and “charisma.” When you know you’re going to say something worth hearing, a point of view worth sharing, that knowledge affects everything about how you show up. A … Read more
A director friend of mine told me a story once about a theatrical piece he worked on. The piece was primarily musical, but it included staged elements. He lobbied for a specific, very talented, top-of-the-line lighting designer to be part of the artistic team for the piece. As my friend tells it, the lighting designer … Read more
Ballet dancers seem to float, to soar, to magically propel themselves. The grace and fluidity of their movement captures our imaginations and tells us a riveting story.  We leave the theatre in awe of their talent, their gift. We’re not necessarily thinking about how hard they worked to create that two-hour experience for us, the … Read more
The segment of a speech or presentation that gets the least attention from the speaker when they are preparing is …the closing. This makes sense! The speaker has created material and practiced it, massaged their turns of phrase and designed gorgeous slides, for 98% of the presentation. They have great points! They are telling stories! … Read more
In a world of barely-average communicators, you stand out once you start using intention as the active foundation of your message. You may seem more earnest, more sincere, more “into it,” than your colleagues. You won’t blend in; it will be clear that you’re doing something other people are not.   For some people, that … Read more