Has your coffee worn off? Are you feeling anxious or out of sorts? The spine roll, demonstrated in this video, is a surefire way to reset your energy. Ignite CSP coaches Neela Muñoz and Vivian Smith will talk you through it! (You might want to try this in a place where people aren’t walking by … Read more

Once we start noticing intention, we see it everywhere, in everything. We relax into the glorious intentional care of a restaurant that notices all the details, and we get irritated at the default intention of the furnace-repair company that doesn’t follow through on its promise to let you know when they are on their way. … Read more

I see a lot of presentations. Between clients, and the boards I serve on, and general life, there are just a lot of presentations out there in the world. The question I am most often left with is this: what is it for? I was recently asked to speak at a conference, and the event … Read more

I just started reading Sherry Turkle’s book Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age. http://www.reclaimingconversationbook.com/ Turkle is an acclaimed author and professor at MIT, and she has done a ton of research on how our current mania for being digitally connected is impeding our ability to actually have conversations with real people. … Read more

Putting in the work. Bit by bit, over days and weeks and months, we can get better at something. Problem is, we often don’t think about putting in the work until it really matters—and then it’s too late. There are so many things we’ve learned this way, though. When we were small, everything was like … Read more

There is only one person who cares what you do with your hands when you are making a presentation. You. And you shouldn’t care, either. Here’s the thing—if you are connecting with the audience, they don’t care. If you have carefully considered what you want them to get from your presentation, it doesn’t matter what … Read more

When you’re the audience… Do you want to feel: Encouraged Motivated Seen Welcomed That your time is being valued Entertained Inspired Engaged That you’re in good hands Connected Convinced When you’re the one speaking, remember this.

Every time I connect to the internet or walk into a bookstore, someone wants me to read or buy or think about ways to increase my productivity and efficiency. There are planners, rituals, apps, books, and systems that will maximize every day for the optimum output. And I’ll tell you, I am a sucker for … Read more

One of the things clients ask us about most often is how to manage nerves when they are presenting or giving a speech. It happens to us all–so how can we get our nerves under control and show up powerfully? In the video below, Ignite CSP coach Neela Muñoz guides you in a simple and … Read more

People give a ton of bad public speaking advice.    Here is some of it:   Practice in a mirror Clasp your hands behind your back When you walk around it keeps the audience interested Look over their heads if you’re too nervous to make eye contact Be confident/Don’t be nervous   The advice-givers mean … Read more