What could be wrong with “having all the answers” or “getting it right”? What might that mindset exclude from your communication? Ignite CSP coach Neela Muñoz shares insight from a client.   Join Neela for the Virtual Meetings That Work webinar, this week Wednesday – Friday!  

When we start to make decisions based on what fear is telling us, there’s good chance we’re not being rational.   Fear has a way of telescoping the world and all the options out there into only the thing you’re afraid of, so the decision you make is in response to just that one factor. … Read more

Hi all! Today’s post is unusual, but I want to make sure you know about a new resource to help you transform the virtual meetings we all seem to be having right now.   The sad truth is that virtual meetings have the exact same problems as in-person ones–and then some. But Vivian, Neela, and … Read more

We’ve all experienced it.  You log on for your team’s standing call, and you’re the only one there on time.  You raise your hand to participate, but the speaker never acknowledges you.  A co-worker’s vague response lets you know they were doing something else while you were talking.  No matter how hard you try to … Read more

Earlier this week I posted a breathing technique you can use any time to calm anxiety. Today I want to share another great, quick re-set technique to boost your focus. You can do this right at your desk–no special gear required! Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think could use it! Ignite … Read more

Our biases help us navigate the world. We can’t possibly take in and assess all of the information coming at us each day, so we devise shortcuts—those are biases.  (Here is some really fascinating work on cognitive biases by Buster Benson.)   Lately, I’ve been hearing this phrase a lot: “I know I’m biased, but…” … Read more

It’s amazing how quickly things are changing these days. I don’t know about you, but I have to remember to take a couple of minutes to relax and get centered. Breathing techniques are a great way to calm our anxious feelings. I thought it might be a good time to re-share this video–Ignite coach Neela … Read more

In a recent workshop, I asked, “How many people here enjoy public speaking?”   In the group of fifty, two hands went up.   “Okay!” I went on. “For the rest of you, what does it feel like to think about speaking in public? Can someone share what that prospect is like for them?”   … Read more

“Weeoweeoweeowee! Weeowee!”   My lunch partner is quite the conversationalist. Despite the fact that everything she says is some version of “wee-o-wee,” I always know what she means.   This scintillating raconteur is my toddler goddaughter, and she’s great at letting me know what’s going on and what she wants even when she doesn’t have … Read more

When you ask your friend for feedback about your presentation, the chances are good that they will let you know that a.) you did a good job (“no filler words!”), or b.) you were saying “um” or “uh” a lot, and you should stop doing that.   No offense to your friend, but none of … Read more