Wow, people are really ready to announce the new era of “We will all now work from home and attend school online, which is what we should have been doing anyway!” I’ve seen a number of articles, particularly on LinkedIn, promoting the idea that coming together to work and learn in the same place is … Read more

If you’re over 30, you remember actually talking on the phone. When I was growing up, phones lived in your house and they were attached to the wall. I probably logged hundreds of hours talking to my best friend on afternoons and weekends when we couldn’t see each other, and I know I put my … Read more

Ignite coach Connan Morrissey is taking over today’s post! Connan has some tips to share on how to show up virtually! Take it away, Connan!     Ignite CSP has a brand new offering! Have you dreamed of launching your own podcast? Our first ever small group coaching experience will bring you from idea to … Read more

In business conversations, there are usually two things being managed. The first is the task that needs to be accomplished. The second is the relationship between the people who are talking. Sometimes it’s 95% task, 5% relationship, or vice versa, but there is always some proportion of task and relationship at play.   This is … Read more

My clients tend to have a few things in common. They are very smart, they are accomplished, and they want to share what they know with other people.  That makes sense–I coach people to bring their message to others, and when you have something important to share, you want to make sure you’re communicating with … Read more

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I talk about using intention as a way to direct our communication. Intention is how you want to affect the person or people you’re speaking to, what you want the outcome to be.   Intention is active; it is directed at the experience … Read more

In my little corner of the internet, things got very heated last Wednesday afternoon when a New York Times article about “videoconference etiquette” started making the rounds. The standout pull quote warned video conferencers to keep their kids and pets from appearing on screen. Twitter was outraged– “I want to see your kids!” “Show me … Read more

“I’m here to do what works, not what’s comfortable.”   This great quote came from Ignite coach Vivian Smith, as we prepared for our first completely virtual workshop. Even for an experienced communication expert, the prospect of taking everything you know about communicating with ease and confidence and putting it in another medium, one that … Read more

In the brave new world we’re living in now, all the meetings seem to be taking place on Zoom or Webex or Google Hangouts. But in an inversion of the old joke about meetings that really could have been emails–is this another video meeting that could have been a call? While it’s easier to fire … Read more

When the plan gets derailed. When what we thought would work, doesn’t. When a vital piece of equipment breaks. When you forget what you’re supposed to say next.   When your routine is interrupted, your understanding of the world is altered, and you have to change your plan to keep yourself and others safe, you … Read more