As you know, I have been writing this week about how Ignite CSP is moving forward with our commitment to antiracism and Black Lives Matter. I’m linking some past posts here that have been good reminders for me about intention and listening. Parenting with Intention The most important thing about talking Manipulation.   I would … Read more

Intention. Alignment. Practice.   This week I am applying Ignite CSP’s coaching framework to our commitment to antiracism and the Black Lives Matter movement.   On Monday I wrote about intention, the driver of communication, and yesterday about alignment, the behavior generated by intention. Today I’m looking at practice, the third element of the process.   … Read more

Intention. Alignment. Practice.   This week I am applying Ignite CSP’s coaching framework to our commitment to antiracism and the Black Lives Matter movement.   Yesterday I wrote about intention, the driver of action. Intention is the instigator; intention tells us what to do. We have to cultivate self-awareness of our reactive, default intentions before … Read more

Intention. Alignment. Practice.   This is the three-part process that Ignite CSP uses in every coaching engagement, every workshop. It’s the foundation of our work, and as coaches we apply it in our lives daily. Over the last week I have been thinking hard about how this framework can instruct Ignite CSP in taking our … Read more

Like many of us, I’m spending a lot of time with people who are in other places. One of the best things about this is that so many people are reaching out, looking for connection, making time to sit down and talk together. Being present when you’re not physically present is hard. I have a … Read more

As we all know by now, Zoom fatigue is real. Every person I know who is conducting their work over a video platform day and day out testifies to the strange exhaustion it leaves in its wake.     As best as I can tell from the research that’s out there now, moving our lives to video is tiring for … Read more

More on masks….   When I’m out in public, I may feel rushed to get my errand finished so that I make room for other shoppers or limit my time inside.   But as I have written before, there are always two things happening in these situations—1) getting the task done, and 2) connecting with … Read more

This is a uniquely fascinating time to be a person who thinks a lot about how we communicate. The most basic unit of communication, one person speaking to another face to face, has been disrupted—now we speak over video and text and email and phone, but almost never face to face. And of course all … Read more

In each conversation, there’s something we want to happen. Often, we have a task to complete, or an opinion to state, or an agenda to advance. In those situations, we tend to enter the conversation as a “transmitter.” We’re going to deliver our message, come hell or high water.   But what if we pause … Read more

Considering the events taking place around the country right now, I am using this time and space today to bring my readers’ attention to an article by Ibram X. Kendi, “The American Nightmare.” Kendi is the author of How to Be an Antiracist  and Stamped from the Beginning. Here is a short excerpt from the article, … Read more