What do cooking and public speaking have in common? Ignite CSP president Angie Flynn-McIver has a few thoughts…

Our clients fall (broadly speaking) into two categories. The first: People who dislike public speaking, and they have been successful at avoiding it throughout their careers. Now an opportunity has come up that requires they do more speaking, and they don’t feel they have the skills to do it well or happily, so they come … Read more

A few years ago, I was coaching a woman I had been working with for several months. She had a high-stakes presentation coming up, and it was starting to sound like she wasn’t going to be able to do it. I don’t mean “she wouldn’t be able to do a good job.” I mean, she … Read more

During the months of COVID, I have sometimes noticed a particular dynamic when I talk to my husband, Charlie.  Here’s what happens: We’ve each been working alone in our offices for hours. We happen to cross paths in the kitchen, refilling coffee mugs or making lunch. I’m excited to see him, and I start talking … Read more

In some important ways, all communication is the same.  We are always speaking in order to fulfill a need. The need might be small and transactional: “Please pass the salt.” It might be life-changing: “Will you marry me?” And of course, most of what we say in our lives falls somewhere in the middle of … Read more

The doing is the practice. When we’re coaching, we teach clients the best ways to practice for a presentation or a speech. But the real truth is—every day is a chance to practice.  Every conversation is a chance to practice intention. How am I hoping to affect the person I’m talking to? Am I being … Read more

We all have a “gatekeeper muscle” that helps us decide what to say, and when, and how.  When a stimulus comes into our brain, it sits at an intersection, staffed by the gatekeeper. In one direction is our default reaction, our judgmental, quick, knee-jerk response. This one lives for the short-term, the “like,” the laugh. … Read more

When the goal is to give an engaging and compelling presentation, we are present with the audience. We’re not reciting our material or reading a script. We’re deeply immersed in bringing our content to people who want and need it. That’s the ideal. What often happens in reality is that we have so much we … Read more

Here is my #1 tip for your leftovers: If you want to reheat food from the refrigerator, do it on the stove or in the oven. Seriously. Yes, you’re going to get a pot or pan dirty, but it’s So. Much. Better than the microwave.  The microwave tricks you into thinking it’s easier. Think about … Read more

I’ve been finding new ways to be grateful this year. With all that is swirling around us, I’m happy to have a day to say thank you, for the big things and the smaller ones. I am so thankful for: My health and that of my family and other loved ones The Ignite CSP team, … Read more