What’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for everyone. I see this frequently when people try to encourage others to speak in public. “What is there to be afraid of? You are going to be fine! What’s the worst that can happen?” There are a whole bunch of assumptions at work here. The encourager assumes … Read more

What does it take to connect with others? And especially, how can we take the first steps to communicate with people we don’t see eye to eye with? Ignite CSP coach Neela Munoz spotted this great video with some insight into those very topics. (It’s just over three minutes—well worth your time!)

Recently, for the millionth time, I realized that what I say is only meaningful if the person I’m talking to hears me. I don’t mean vocal volume, necessarily, though that’s a component of being heard. More, I mean that when we speak in ways that mute us to our listeners, we may as well not … Read more

After being recommended Priya Parker’s “The Art of Gathering” all year, I finally read it in the waning hours of 2020. It is remarkable! Parker’s expertise is in something that may seem like it should be intuitive—people gathering together. But her insight is transformative, and it centers around the idea that we should always gather … Read more

What does it mean when we categorize some skills as “soft”? The phrase “soft skills” implies something we can do without. When push comes to shove, we can overlook a lack of one of these “extras” because this person’s CV tells us they can “get the job done.” But communication isn’t extra.Communication is everything. Let’s … Read more

The Public Speaking Catalyst launches this month! The problem with New Year’s resolutions, as we all know, is that most of us run out of steam before we get them done. Gym memberships increase 42% in the first two months of the year, yet somehow we’re not in much better shape when March rolls around. … Read more

It’s January 1, 2021. I’m at the beach, and though it’s an overcast, chilly day, I took a walk by the ocean. As I started on the walk, I wanted to think about a word for the year, a guiding mantra I can use to make decisions.  I let my mind wander as I walked. … Read more

All the Ignite CSP coaches found a corner of their home, and in some cases, a buddy, to wish you a happy new year. Let’s go, 2021!!

Here’s what we sent you last year–a little song, and our heartfelt anticipation of being with you in 2020. When I look at these faces of 2019, I see people who had no idea what was right around the corner. But I also see people who stepped up to the many challenges, heartaches, and opportunities … Read more

I was honored to be a guest on Craig Constantine’s podcast, Movers Mindset. Craig is a fascinating conversationalist whose interests are wide, and when he asked if I’d come on the podcast, I was thrilled. One of my favorite aspects of this interview was that Craig asks unusual questions, so even if you’ve heard me … Read more