Creating and producing a virtual event in 2021 is not like creating and producing the in-person event you did in 2019. Please, trust me on this. Everything you are planning will take more time than you think it will. Everything you are planning will take more practice than you think it will. Everything you are … Read more

Ignite CSP has been working with a client for the past few weeks on designing and producing virtual events. There are a couple of big take-aways I want to share. A great thing about virtual events is they are easy to attend. We don’t have to pack, travel, get a hotel, or even leave our … Read more

“I judge them all the time, yet I don’t understand them.” Someone I was talking to recently said this, and the sentence really leapt out at me. There’s a lot here, and it’s so intensely human. At last I hope it is — I’m definitely guilty of it myself. I wonder if a more revealing … Read more

Ignite CSP’s workshop model is highly interactive. In virtual meetings, we ask people to have their cameras on, to come off mute to participate, and to engage in the chat. We use breakout rooms for small group work and coaching.  In a recent workshop, one participant never turned their camera on, never spoke, never engaged … Read more

“If you do it in practice, you’ll do it in a game.” I don’t know who said this originally, but it’s a piece of sports wisdom that jumps right off the page at me. When I came across it recently, the person saying it meant that if you do it right in practice, you’ll do … Read more

Doing the work entails first determining what the work is. I am not always great at this—I tend to underestimate (sometimes badly) how much it’s going to take to get something done. Case in point: the brand-new workshop I agreed to design, thinking, “That will take, what, four hours?” Two weeks later, the workshop unfinished … Read more

A new day. A new year, a new start, a new opportunity. A clean slate. But a clean slate is often just smudged. If you look closely, you can see the vestiges of what used to be written there.  What does it take to truly start anew this day, with the resources and energy and … Read more

Yesterday was the day we honored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his vision and contributions to our world.  We watched commemorative talks, we volunteered, we remembered the “I Have a Dream” speech, and maybe we re-read “Letter From Birmingham Jail.“ What do we do today?  What actions do we take on the day after … Read more

The thoughtful and wise Sheila Masterson invited me to be a guest on her podcast, Living Tarot. I was thrilled to participate, especially since this gave me a chance to talk about the intuitive underpinnings of coaching, directing, and even business. At the end, Sheila shares her tarot reading with me! Listen on Apple podcasts.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”–R. Buckminster Fuller R. Buckminster Fuller was a thinker, architect, designer, and futurist, among other occupations. The above quote seems particularly resonant for this moment in time, when our existing reality is so fraught … Read more