I was talking to a colleague yesterday about the public speaking courses he went through while he was employed at a big multinational corporation. He said that everyone at the manager level and above attended a course I would describe as prescriptive: Do this and don’t do that, and you’ll be a “good public speaker.” … Read more

As I sit down to write these posts, sometimes I have a whole list of topics I’ve collected that I want to address. Other times I wait for an idea to emerge. Today, here is what occurred to me: What do you want to know?  What thoughts do you have about communication and connection that you’d … Read more

When you think back in your life to the most important conversations you’ve ever had, where were you?  When you needed to express deep feelings to someone else, or give bad news, or when you debated the deepest questions of life with your friends, what was the setting? I am guessing most of these interactions … Read more

There’s an important tenet in theatre that I want to share with you.  It’s this: if a prop gets dropped, or if something falls off someone’s costume, pick it up. Young actors often miss this. They’re thinking, “That wasn’t supposed to happen, so I should ignore it.”  But the audience can’t ignore it. They will … Read more

When I am directing a play, it takes forever to get the first two pages of the script right. Despite the fact that I’ve spent months with the play, and the actors and I have taken several days to read and discuss it, getting the opening minutes just the way I want them requires a … Read more

Coaching clients to be aware of their breathing is all in a day’s work for us. Whether we are helping public speakers project their voices or calm their nerves, we rely on the power of the breath to provide the foundation. The English National Opera has taken this focus to a wonderful new level with … Read more

Recently I found myself in a conversation with both my kids and my mother about what it’s like to participate in a class or meeting virtually. We’ve all had lots of experience with this over the past year, on Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, and just about any other platform you can think of.  Each of … Read more

Who decides what you’re talking about in your presentation? Are you responsible for your own material, or do you have other people making suggestions and inserting content? I am working with an incredible client right now. She is a powerhouse. She’s extremely knowledgable and capable, and she runs a huge organization inside a global company.  … Read more

In the last twenty years, we have become cyborgs. Our humanity is intersecting into our technology, and the submersion is  accelerating. There are lots of examples of this phenomenon, from our phones constantly in our hands to the intermediary of screens in many areas of our work and personal lives. But today what is blowing … Read more

One of the most common bits of conventional wisdom about public speaking is: “Break the ice with a joke.” First things first: this is bad advice. If you’re a person who uses human naturally and easily, you can find places to lighten your talk with a funny moment. But if you are not, this advice … Read more