What one thing makes the biggest difference in how we show up?

I watched a webinar this week that had been recorded live. The host* took the audience through some fairly technical processes that were important building blocks to be able to use a certain software.

The aspect of her presentation that had the single biggest impact on me was this: she seemed like she wanted to be there. She was competent and smart, she had clearly prepared well, and she had deep subject knowledge. But what kept me watching was her enthusiasm and energy.

Whether it’s a standing weekly meeting or a once-in-a-lifetime presentation, the single best thing you can do to be effective is to make the other people there feel like there is no place you would rather be.

When you’re engaged, the audience likes, trusts, and listens to you more. That’s the ballgame, right there.

*If you’re curious, check out her YouTube channel: https://processdriven.co/hub/