What Goes Through Your Mind When You’re Preparing to Present?

What goes through your mind when you know you’re going to present to a roomful of people? I like to think about it as the lifecycle of your mindset.

Does one of these look like you?

Dread it >>>Survive it>>>Feel relieved that it’s over
Feel neutral>>>Execute it>>>Move on to the next thing
  Anticipate the experience >>>Nail it>>>Feel thrilled at how it went 

I’ll be honest. Though I would love to always fall into that last category, sometimes it’s more like:

Feel initial excitement>>>>Start to get nervous>>>>Prepare with intention>>>>Get excited to share>>>>Feel thrilled at how it went

So what about you? What is the lifecycle of your presentation mindset? Is it a roller coaster, a straight line, maybe dropping right off a cliff?

What tools do you use to get yourself to feel confident and prepared?