The thing about vulnerability

When we are standing up in front of people giving a speech, we can feel very vulnerable. It’s natural—our adrenaline and cortisol often spike in those situations, just like they would if we were experiencing a physical threat.


We react by protecting ourselves. Get small, be quiet, don’t put yourself out there, blend in, don’t draw attention…


The paradox here is that the smaller you make yourself, the more the audience struggles to reach you. Your vulnerability undermines your ability to connect, and that’s all an audience wants.  What they are looking for is your authenticity, your vulnerability–the very thing you’re trying to hide.


Let me be clear—they’re not looking for the you that’s quiet, that’s hiding, that’s trying to get this over with. They’re looking for the you that has something new to say, a message they need to hear.


How can you show up as the person the audience wants to hear? How can you navigate your vulnerability so that it heightens your presence instead of sabotaging it?


Read more here about Ignite’s communication coaching…