I’m rethinking what this blog might be. I love writing for you, and I’m curious about what you find interesting and useful. Monday’s and Wednesday’s posts were new ones, and today’s is a rerun. If you have ideas about what you’d like to see in this space, please drop me an email! What does it … Read more

Ultimately, the point of communication should be to collaboratively advance an idea, a connection, a relationship, a thought, a plan. That’s the rational business case for communication.  In practice, however, we’re often communicating for other reasons. We communicate to further our need for attention, to express judgement, to advance our agenda, to score points. That second … Read more

Every person I have ever coached has a least one communication superpower. Even if they think they’re the worst speaker ever, they have something they do really well. One person has an incredible grasp of the details. Another person has an evocative and specific vocabulary. Yet another has a natural style that pulls people toward … Read more

 “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw, the playwright, is credited with this quote. While neither he nor I can promise that this is, in fact, the single biggest problem in communication, it is a big one. I see evidence of this all the time, at work and in my personal life. All … Read more