Practice brings you face to face with how much work you still have to do.   It’s easy to fool ourselves when we’re just thinking about the task ahead—“oh, it won’t be that bad, I’ll just run through this speech/clean out this closet/revise this report.”   But once we dive in, we experience failure. The … Read more

So…practice. You may have noticed that some things are easier to plan to practice than to actually, you know, practice. “I’ve blocked out time on my calendar every day this week to practice my speech!” Easy. “I practiced my presentation every day this week!” Hard. About five weeks ago my family got a puppy—a real, … Read more

One of the questions I like to ask coaching clients is “What do you do when you practice?” More often than not, I get a confused look in response. So I clarify: “Do you start at the beginning and go all the way through your presentation? Do you stand up? Do you use your PowerPoint … Read more