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Yes, it’s more work. And it’s worth it.

“But we already know how to do this! It’s like starting over.” Actors, directors, teachers, trainers, salespeople, coaches, ministers, tour guides, team leaders, managers, boards of directors…people in so many industries are having the feeling that just a few months ago they were on top of their game. Now, in order to do the most ... Continue Reading


“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Many of us probably heard some version of this playground chant as children. Meant to encourage us to let name-calling roll off our backs, the rhyme reinforces the idea that only physical violence hurts us. This is not only patently false, it ... Continue Reading

Make it easy

When all of this started, back in March, it seemed like people were finding ways to make the most of this time at home, time with family, etc. The folks I know baked bread, got back into yoga or took long walks, reconnected with family and friends.   As the months have gone on, that ... Continue Reading

Bananagrams and sunk costs

Bananagrams is one of my favorite games. Each player starts with a random collection of letters on little tiles, and you make as many intersecting words as possible. When you use all your tiles, you say “PEEL!” and every player has to draw additional tiles from a common pile. It’s kind of like Scrabble, but ... Continue Reading

“No, you go ahead.”

I’m sure you’ve noticed this.   You’re on a video call, and two people start to speak at the same time. This leads to both people stopping, then with saying, “You go ahead.”   I want to mention a couple of things about this very common phenomenon. The first is: This is good! When a ... Continue Reading

Break Through the Screen

Teaching is one of the most profoundly physical professions I can think of.  That may sound weird—what’s so physical about sharing information with people? But when I think of what it takes to teach a class, particularly a class of children or teenagers, I think about   Saying hello and looking at the students as ... Continue Reading

And one from the archives: The Gap

When my kids used to play the violin, they were supposed to practice every day. At first, they loved it—they pulled out the violin and scraped out a couple Twinkle Twinkles and that was that. As the months went on, and they realized what “every day” means, their enthusiasm…waned. The novelty had worn off, and ... Continue Reading

So many ways to tell a story

There are so many ways to tell a story, and none of them is complete.   No story tells everything there is to know about the topic. No story can include each person’s facts, emotions, assumptions, background, point of view, knowledge, and opinions.   Once we know this, we can look at the story as ... Continue Reading

The noise in your head

When we’re trying to make our case, to explain, to get through, the chances are good that we’re competing with noise in the listener’s head.   What assumptions did they hold before you ever started speaking? What concerns are they dealing with that have nothing to do with you?   The thing that made this ... Continue Reading

What do you want to happen?

When you have the impulse to say something, there is a moment when you can check in with yourself, before you speak. You can ask yourself, “What do I want to happen as a result of what I say?”   This is how we create the habit of deliberate intention. In the moment when we ... Continue Reading