Getting back on the horse.

It could happen.


You’ve prepared, you’ve planned your talk using a strong intention,  you know just how you want to affect your audience, and you’ve practiced. You walk up there, open your mouth…and flop.


What do you do when you feel it going wrong? How can you save it?


I’ve been in this exact situation, and I know how it feels. What’s happening? Why can’t I get words to come out in the right order? Why can’t I remember what I wanted to say? Why isn’t the acumen responding the way I thought they would? Ugh, this is a disaster.


This, right here, is the moment you’ve been waiting for. This is when your intention is going to serve you like a parachute does a pilot who had to eject from his plane.


Pause. Take a breath. Think, “What am I here to do? What do I want my audience to walk away thinking or feeling? What’s my intention?”


This process will bring you away from the death spiral of self-sabotaging thoughts, and back into relationship with your audience. They don’t want you to fail. They want you to succeed, and more importantly, they want to be changed by your words.


What do you have to offer them?


Read more about how Ignite coaches people to talk to any audience with confidence.



Turn your camera on!