It can be hard to think about doing something every day. Three times a week, maybe, or twice a month…but every day?
And yet the things we’re best at, we learned to do by practicing them every day, every chance we got. We immerse ourselves in language, and we learn to speak. We read every day, and soon we’re competent readers. When we learned to drive, it was by getting out on the road in the course of our daily lives that we became proficient (and safe.)
If you want to bring your message closer to the person you’re talking to, you’ll practice. You’ll notice how they respond, what words resonate with them, what tones make them tune out and which make them sit forward. You’ll see that different people have different response times, that some folks need longer to process and your continued explanations aren’t necessary. You’ll observe that some people need tactical, connect-the-dot details and others only want the high-level overview.
The great thing is, you’re already doing this, every day. Every time you talk to other people, there’s a wealth of information you can glean.