I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! Y’all. I have been in webinar hell. Without naming any names, I’ll share that I’ve been grinding … Read more

There’s a word that, when I use it in front of an unsuspecting room of workshop participants, never fails to produce a specific reaction: veiled horror combined with “oh I think I have an important client call/a gastrointestinal emergency.”  That word? Improv. Almost everyone has a strong association with this word, particularly when it comes … Read more

A lot of us learned this format in high school English class: your introduction lays out your theme and the three points you want to make to support the theme, then you explain each point, then you wrap it up with a summary. Perhaps because we learned this in Ms. Williamson’s class in 11th grade, … Read more

In many exercise programs, you’re asked to assess your “rate of perceived exertion,” or RPE. On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard are you working? From 0-2 is low effort, you can talk; from 3-4, you can still have a conversation but it’s tougher; from 5-6, you’re getting uncomfortable; 7-8, things are getting … Read more

This post isn’t about communication skills, intention, or some little thing I noticed recently that I thought I’d pass along. No, it’s just a chance for me to share something that’s making me happy lately. I have shared in this space that I’ve recently gotten really into bird watching. The birds in our backyard—goldfinches, Carolina … Read more

We are all in such an interesting moment in history right now, in so many ways. One is that employees are collectively realizing that circumstances they used to take for granted aren’t necessarily the way it “has to be.” From Amazon workers unionizing to the Great Resignation, the people who are at the heart of … Read more

6 steps to create a speech you will know without memorizing: 1) Jot down the basic outline of your presentation on index cards, one per idea or topic. 2) Compose your speech out loud. Don’t write it down first. As you find elements that work for you, you can make a (brief) note on an … Read more

The playwright, essayist, Macarthur Fellow, and now memoirist Sarah Ruhl is a writer I really love. I got to direct her play In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play) a few years ago, and her unique combination of insight into the juicy and difficult parts of human relationships, what it truly means to love and … Read more

My colleague and friend Galen Bingham is a leadership strategist, executive coach, whiskey enthusiast, author, and podcaster. Galen invited me to join him on his podcast as part of my virtual book tour, letting folks all over learn about Before You Say Anything: How to Have Better Conversations, Love Public Speaking, and Finally Know What … Read more

I have always been a big reader. Keeping a list of what I’ve read has always been a fun way to look back on the year. My reading tastes have shifted somewhat. Since 2020, I’ve found myself devouring mystery series, the more British the better, one after the next. But thanks to the two book … Read more