I’m rethinking what this blog might be. I love writing for you, and I’m curious about what you find interesting and useful. Today’s post is an old one, but I am venturing back into writing new posts (as Monday’s of this week was.) If you have ideas about what you’d like to see in this … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! This morning I went out to my garage to work out, and I discovered that two wrens … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! Y’all. I have been in webinar hell. Without naming any names, I’ll share that I’ve been grinding … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! An oft-quoted line from the great thinker, Yoda: Do, or do not. There is no try. When … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! It could happen. You’ve prepared, you’ve planned your talk using a strong intention,  you know just how … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! My son is in high school, and recently he shared that a student in one of his … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! I’ve been listening to a fascinating podcast called “Cautionary Tales,” recorded by an economist by Tim Harford. … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! The right time to ask “what is this for?*” is— when you’re creating something new when you … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! Content really seems to be king.  We’re inundated daily by tons of information and data, and it … Read more

I’m taking a sabbatical from writing new blog posts. You’ll be seeing some re-runs and old favorites for the next little while. You can always write me back with suggestions or ideas just by responding to this email! In order to be great at what we do, we need to know how we’re doing. What’s … Read more