Anytime Communication Trainer

ACT, or Anytime Communication Trainer, is an AI-powered practice platform we are using with our clients. This platform was developed by a company called Yoodli, and we trained the AI we’re using on Ignite CSP’s three-part process (intention, alignment, practice.)

A quick welcome to our ACT platform.

How it works

Okay, this is so cool. Let’s say you and your coach just spent a session practicing a presentation you’re going to deliver in a few weeks. Your coach said that you should work on pausing and really letting your ideas land rather than running your ideas together. Your coach also asked you to log into ACT to have at least one practice session before the two of you meet again.

You and your coach have already created an account, so you log in. A window comes up, like in any video-conferencing platform, and you can see yourself. You hit record and deliver your presentation.

When you’re finished, ACT generates a transcript of everything you said, highlights a few strengths and growth areas, offers some data analysis including how quickly you speak and how much you pause, and even generates some follow-up questions you might receive based on the content of your presentation.

You can choose to share your video with your coach, or not! If you do share your video, your coach can provide additional, targeted feedback right in the ACT interface.

“This is SO helpful! ACT has helped me vary my pace and work on the right times to pause. It even asks me what my deliberate intention is!” — A recent client

Get your ACT, together with Ignite CSP

ACT is available with individual coaching sessions and our workshop programs for teams and businesses

Why it Works

Have you ever been to a training program or had a great coaching session, and you’re like, that’s a game-changer! That’s so great! And then you get back to your laptop and your inbox, and somehow the amazing new techniques you learned don’t…quite…get integrated into your work life, even though you know they would make a difference?

Coaches and trainers will tell you that if there’s one thing we wish we could change, it’s this: the enthusiasm and clarity that come to the client during the coaching session or the training program fade with startling haste.

ACT provides a way to bring what you learned into your daily life. It makes practicing very concrete, and it’s also an accountability buddy. Instead of “practice your presentation before we meet again,” it’s “use ACT at least twice and submit one video to me before our next session.”

If you’re using ACT after an Ignite CSP program, you have an opportunity to continue to practice what you learned in your coaching group, and to get some ongoing feedback.

Your Privacy Matters: Everything you upload to ACT is private. No one can view your videos or hear your content, so you are secure in practicing any sensitive material you may have. If you choose to share your video with your coach, it is still maintained in the ACT platform, and you can choose when it is deleted.

Unlock the true potential of your communication skills

Whether for yourself or your entire team, let’s find the perfect solution for your unique needs.

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